CDMI’s Lite-Site™ product line has been the go-to solution for carriers looking to extend or maintain coverage and capacity.
The Lite-Site™’s on-grade ballast foundation can be used for both temporary or permanent sites. Lite-Site™’s have a high loading capacity and small footprint making it ideal for events where extended capacity is necessary or in instances where antennas have to come off existing infrastructure for maintenance or demolition.
CDMI’s on-grade foundation is often a solution for permanent sites where breaking ground is not an option. Our simple design allows for the assembly of the entire Lite-Site™ setup in less than a day. No guy wires are needed and our foundations are capable of holding monopoles in excess of 150’.
CDMI offers four foundation sizes to meet your site requirements and each foundation size has a standardized monopole that bolts directly to the steel foundation. Lite-Site™’s also come with a pre-formed concrete ballast block that simply drops in place with no pretensioning required. Security Fencing, Access Stairs, and Hand railings that secure the site are also available from CDMI.