The Lite-Site™ Base Frame is the on-grade foundation system for the Lite-Site™ package. Three trays and four channels bolt together to form the base. One tray contains the base plate where the monopole attaches and can be placed on any side or center of the base frame assembly. The trays are filled with pre-formed concrete ballast that creates a level floor for mounting equipment.
Each of the Lite-Site™ family of base frames creates less than 1500 psf on the ground. Normally no geotechnical investigation is required when deploying the Lite-Site™. Blacktop, concrete pads, or prepared level soil are all common areas to set the base.
The Lite-Site™ foundations are all identical in how they are assembled and scale in size from 10′ x 10′ assembled footprint to 25′ x 25′ assembled footprint. Assembly can be completed in a few hours, and the entire Lite-Site™ structure can be assembled or dismantled in less than a day.

Lite-Site™ 10
The Lite-Site™ 10 is our smallest foundation system at a 10’ x 10’ footprint and can accommodate poles up to 75’. Lite-Site™ 10 foundations consists of 3 trays and 4 perimeter channels that bolt together to create the 10 x 10 compound area. The trays are then filled with pre-formed concrete ballast which create a level pad to mount equipment. The monopole bolts directly to the foundation base plate via anchor bolts.
Lite-Site™ 10 foundation has a maximum OTM of 175 ft kips when the monopole is placed in the center of the foundation and 150 ft kips if it were to be mounted on the edge of the foundation.

Lite-Site™ 15
The Lite-Site™ 15 is a mid-size foundation with a 15’ x 15’ footprint and can accommodate poles up to 100 or 125’ in some instances. Lite-Site™ 15 foundation consists of 3 trays and 4 perimeter channels that bolt together to create the 15’x15’ compound area. The trays are then filled with pre-formed concrete ballast which create a level pad to mount equipment. The monopole bolts directly to the foundation base plate via anchor bolts.
Lite-Site™ 15 foundation has a maximum OTM of 475ft kips when the monopole is placed in the center of the foundation and 340ft kips if it were to be mounted on the edge of the foundation.
Standard ballast weight is 50,000 lbs spread across 8 ballast block or 6,250 lbs per block.
Security Fencing and access stairs are options that are available with the Lite-Site™ 15 package.

Lite-Site™ 20
The Lite-Site™ 20 foundation has a 20’ x 20’ footprint and can accommodate poles up to 150’. Lite-Site™ 20 foundation consists of 3 trays and 4 perimeter channels that bolt together to create the 20’x20’ compound area. The trays are then filled with pre-formed concrete ballast which create a level pad to mount equipment. The monopole bolts directly to the foundation base plate via anchor bolts.
Lite-Site™ 20 foundation has a maximum OTM of 1,100ft kips when the monopole is placed in the center of the foundation and 725ft kips if it were to be mounted on the edge of the foundation.
Standard ballast weight is 100,000 lbs spread across 8 ballast block or 12,500lbs per block. Security Fencing and access stairs are options that are available with the Lite-Site™ 20 package.

Lite-Site™ 25
The Lite-Site™ 25 foundation is CDMI’s largest foundation and has a 25’ x 25’ footprint. The LS 25 can accommodate poles up to 150’+. This foundation was designed for multiple carrier sites in high wind regions. Lite-Site™ 25 foundation consists of 3 trays and 4 perimeter channels that bolt together to create the 25’ x 25’ compound area. The trays are then filled with pre-formed concrete ballast which create a level pad to mount equipment. The monopole bolts directly to the foundation base plate via anchor bolts.
Lite-Site™ 25 foundation has a maximum OTM of 3,300ft kips when the monopole is placed in the center of the foundation and 2,500ft kips if it were to be mounted on the edge of the foundation.
Standard ballast weight is in increments of 50,000 lbs starting at 150,000 lbs up to 320,000 lbs. Since each site is different, the design of this ballast block is stackable to eliminate the need to transport excess ballast. CDMI’s engineering can determine how much ballast is required for each site deployment.
Security Fencing and access stairs are options that are available with the Lite-Site™ 25 package.